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How to Make a Claim After an Accident With a Teen Driver?


Based on statistics, there are over 13 million young drivers on the road every day in the United States. What happens if one of those teenagers is at fault for a car accident that leaves you or a loved one injured?

Parental Liability

Almost every state has rules governing parental responsibility in the event that a child's actions, whether careless or intentional, hurt others and result in death, personal injury, or property damage. A minor's damages, including those from a vehicle accident, may be held financially liable for their parents and any other legal guardians who have control of them.

You may have legal options to seek compensation from the juvenile driver's parents if they were at fault for the collision that injured you. Typically, this entails making a claim on the parent's or guardian's auto insurance policy.

Due to their frequent inability to pay their own coverage, many teens rely on their parents' auto insurance plans. However, the majority of insurance firms want a list of all household members with valid licenses on the policyholder's motor insurance policy.

It's crucial to remember that automobile insurance typically travels with the vehicle. This implies that even if the adolescent is not mentioned on the policy, the parent's liability insurance may still be applicable if the parent owns and insures the vehicle.

What if the Teenager was Operating a Non-Parent Owned Vehicle?

It's possible that this is a trickier scenario. Perhaps the youngster was using a vehicle that had been lent to the parents by another person. The insurance on the automobile probably applies if the adolescent got authorization to use it. However, the liability insurance on the automobile might not apply if the kid did not have authorization, such as if the teen's parents forbade him or her from operating the vehicle.

What About Intentionally Bad Behavior?

It is significant to remember that deliberate or malicious behavior is frequently excluded from coverage under insurance plans. If the teen's conduct were deliberate, the car's insurance may not be applicable. It could be essential to bring a lawsuit in certain circumstances.

As a parent, it is important to start discussing safe driving habits with your teenager as soon as possible.

Due to statistics showing that 12% of distracted drivers involved in fatal car accidents are teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19, and 33% of high school students admit to texting and driving -To help keep your teen driver safe, consider the following actions:

  1. Talk to them about the risks associated with distracted driving.

  2. Share statistics about young drivers in the US to illustrate the importance of safe driving.

  3. Set a good example by following safe driving practices yourself.

Please Allow Us to Assist. Call Now!

Teen drivers are responsible for thousands of collisions that result in a variety of injuries. If a teenager's reckless driving caused you or a loved one harm, you may be entitled to reimbursement from the liability insurance under the parent's auto insurance policy.

While you concentrate on getting better from your injuries, Bauhof Legal will guide you through this challenging procedure and provide a free initial consultation.

If you were hurt in a Maryland vehicle accident and need legal representation, you may schedule a free initial consultation with us. All situations are diverse and unique, and this site is not meant to provide legal advice. Feel free to contact us at or call us at +1 (410) 876 4500.


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